Is Cheryl a stereotypical Asian?
Exams are fast approaching and people try to find other things to think about. So I started thinking about Cheryl's identity. Asians are often associated with taking loads of pictures, often posing on purposes for something very fake and I was wondering if this was the case of our charming Cheryl :-)
Well.. again, exams are fast approaching and what is Cheryl doing? Look at the picture and then try to answer the question. This is an MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) :-)
- studying for her bio exam
- just being with her bio book
- she's arranged her bio books and notes for someone to take a picture of her, to show her parents that she is a hardworking person
As you may note, the books are open on pages with completely different topics.. so.. number three is correct! :-) If you need someone to take a picture of or rather take a picture WITH, go to Cheryl! :-)